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External Link Categories
Cycling - Touring - Narratives
Cycling - Touring - Clubs - Rocky Mountains
Cycling - Touring - Link collections/Searchengines
Cycling - Mountain Passes and Summits
Cycling - Homepages

Bicycling - Touring - Narratives
mighty goods
Selection of highlight pictures - and interviews with people who have made bicycle (and other) travel a major part of their life.
Caryl and Brian's World Bicycle Tour
Caryl Bergeron's accounts of bicycle travel in America, Europe, South America and other places - the original bicycle touring narrative with substantial content
Karl Brodowski
collection of own travelogues, also external touring links, with emphasis on Europe - in English, German and scandinavian languages.
Martin Wittram
in German with some English - Martin's rides all over Europe
Nicklaus Zippert
in German - narrative of a tour from Alaska to Patagonia  in 2004/2005
Bicycling - Touring - Clubs - Rocky Mountains
Bonneville Bicycle Touring Club
Utah - Salt Lake City touring and tandem club
Denver Bicycle Touring Club Colorado - Denver's original bicyle touring club, still doing weekend rides
Wasatch Mountain Club
Utah - outdoor club, that also offers many bike rides to scenic locations
Bicycling - Touring - large Link Collections/Search Engines
Trento Bicycle Touring Pages largest collection of tours in Europe, organized by country
Crazy Guy on a Bike hosted narratives and a collection of links
Bicycling - Mountain Passes and Summits - Communal Pages
- in German. - Probably the most comprehensive set of descriptions, pictures and maps for European summits, especially for German speaking areas. They operate tours.
BIG cycle climb pages
- a list of a 1000 or so European summits, that members can climb in a sort of competitive pass-bagging scheme
- profiles and some great pictures of passes in Alps and Iberin Peninsula. - in French from a Belgian view point. No maps, just lists. In French.
- all about cycling passes in southern Spain, great pictures with detailed descriptions and profiles. -In Spanish. By far the best page for this area.
-extensive list with descriptions and good pictures of single track trails, indexed by region.  Most can be made into two sided summit climbs with the help of roads.
- concerned with the question: what are the greatest and most difficult climbs of them all. The answers seem to be mostly located in California. -many large streetview type pictures. The only long list of California summits I can find anywhere sofar
- commercially clogged site with many empty stubs, that don't contain any actual information
Bicycling - Mountain Passes and Summits - Single Person Pages
radtrek.com - -Jeff Nussbaumer describes a route following the continental divide in Colorado as closely as possible - this is an exploration of alpine scenery
Virtual Alps -
- the first pages about cycling passes, that I became aware of. - Great cycling pictures and summaries for all major passes. See also "Virtual Pyrenees" and "Virtual Corsica"
Cycling in the Mountains - - another early site about tours in the Alps; in English and Dutch
Cycols.com -
- blog about high road and mountain bike touring routes in Alps; great pictures; in French
cyclingcols.com -
- contains many summits that are apparently indexed nowhere else. - just an elevation profile and a single picture at most.
cycling-challenge.com -
- maps, blogs and "best-of" type lists, fantastic photos of a very large number of summits - with emphasis on French speaking Alps and Pyrenees.
Bicycling - Blogs and Homepages
-a Randoneering log from the Salt Lake area - also with some product information - including seats
OutThereLiving.com -Wendy and Jeff's travels, as well as a collection of backpacking, sailing and cycling links
Beginner's Guide to Cycling
-this site comes highly recommended by a local girl scout group, who are also avid mountain bikers